cultivating community country and sea through indigenous business development

Development Strategy
The triple bottom line approach of socially, economically and environmentally sustainable indigenous business development underpins the stategy being implemented by Cultivate NT in consultation and partnership with local communities.
The development of social sustainability takes into account the current social and cultural context as well as the aspirations of Yolngu to maintain their identity while becomeing economically self sufficent in the modern world. The challenges of raising children in the higher density urban settlements with significant social disadvantage is well documented and centres around the difficulty for parents trying to maintain control of the environmetal influences of their growing children. This is the basis of Cultivate NT's commitment to development of economic self sufficency for families living in their homeland communities. The social lens is used to develop culturally appropriate governance structures along with the understanding and ability of business operators.
The economic and environmental lenses focus on the development of viable and sustainable productions systems. This involves managing the natural capital in ways that optimise productivity without risking detrimental impacts on natural systems.